Freitag, 26. März 2010

Exploits and Escapades

So, I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while. I'm one of those kinds of people who, when she gets an idea in her head, can't get it out again until she carries the idea into execution (aka "obsessive compulsive"). I mostly get this way when it has to do with the arts, clothing or washing my hands.

If I discover a new medium, I have to try it out. I get all sorts of crazy ideas about what I could make out of fused plastic bags, copper wire and leftover shoelaces. I have difficulties throwing away interesting things that could someday be used for "projects." My life has a tendency to revolve around my "projects".

The obsession with clothing manifests itself differently. If I find something I like, I usually love it. My obsession with saving money gets in the way most of the time, but sometimes I will love something so much, I'll dream about it. Those 6$ sunglasses. That 40$ jacket. Those 70$ shoes. It doesn't matter. Eventually I will give in. Come on, if I'm dreaming about them, they're probably worth it.

And the washing the hands thing is simply because I'm slightly germaphobic. The only thing worse than sitting on a disgusting seat in the subway is standing instead and needing to touch the handrail with my bare hand to keep myself from falling over. I would love to carry purel around with me, but I feel that would be giving into my fears. Besides, there's not enough space next to the chapstick, nail clippers, ibuprofen, bandaids, tissues and hand cream in my purse that are all there for "emergencies."

Ok, so I'm compulsive. Now add ADD. OK, nobody has actually ever diagnosed me with ADD. My dad and brother both were, though, and since it's all genetic and whatnot, I wouldn't be surprised if I really had ADD. So what does this mean for me? It means I get obsessed with making bracelets out of embroidery floss, buy lots of embroidery floss for my new hobby, and then lose interest within two weeks. Not only do I have large amounts of embroidery floss that I will probably never touch again, but I also can't get rid of it because it could be useful for future "projects." Not to mention the hundreds of started, but unfinished bracelets because I couldn't even focus long enough to finish a single one.

Why am I telling the blogosphere all this? Well, it will at least explain to the two people out there who may someday randomly land on my blog why there is only one entry. *Sigh* I'm going to try, though. Really, my goal is two entries. Then I work from there.

Although I'm not proud of my obsessive compulsive tendencies, they do have a way of making my life interesting. When people ask what my hobby is, I like to say "trying stuff out." It's not that I'm a quitter. No, I'm a *tryer*. Which is why this blog came into being. I'd like to document all that random stuff that I try. Because it interests *me*. If you're interested too, then make yourself comfortable, and get ready for the exploits and escapades of a twenty-something!

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